Fostering Wellbeing

Fostering Wellbeing is an innovative programme, funded by Welsh Government and delivered by The Fostering Network. The programme recognises that to improving outcome for children and young people, multi-agency working through a partnership framework across social services, health and education is essential. Fostering Wellbeing has been designed specifically for professionals working with looked after children and young people.

What is Fostering Wellbeing?

Fostering Wellbeing brings together all the professionals involved in supporting children who are looked after, including foster carers. It promotes equality of status for everyone involved in the ‘team around the child’. Fostering Wellbeing encourages professionals to work together, with a focus on improving wellbeing outcomes for children and young people. It creates a shared language for professionals, bringing people together and sharing best practice across service boundaries with an aim to embed a shared approach
Fostering Wellbeing aims to improve the wellbeing and educational outcomes for care experienced children in Wales. It is designed for professionals working with children who are looked after. Specifically, the programme aims to:
•    Identify and share the core values and principles which help children and young people who are looked after to thrive
•    Develop skills and competencies in common which help equip children and young people who are looked after to fulfil their potential 
•    Become confident in a shared and consistent approach to meeting the needs of children and young people who are looked after which, in turn, will fire ambition and help them find success 
•    Be active advocates for the children and young people for whom they have a responsibility, be it individual or corporate. 

View the programme update in English and in Welsh


The programme aims to embed a shared approach across the regions of Wales by bringing people together and sharing best practices across service boundaries. The core programme elements are:

Masterclass Programme:

Fostering Wellbeing offers 5 core masterclasses, delivered online to cohorts from all roles within the Team around the Child. The objective of each masterclass is to enable foster carers and other professionals to gain the skills and confidence needed to help inspire children and young people to fulfil their potential through a one team approach.

Fostering Wellbeing Pioneers: 

We will work in partnership with local teams to recruit foster carers as ‘pioneers’. They will be experienced foster carers who in addition to the skills and experience they will bring to the role will receive training and support to help them cascade learning within their service

Evidence and Impact:

We have worked with CASCADE at Cardiff University who have conducted an independent evaluation of Fostering Wellbeing. 

Fostering Wellbeing Evaluation

We have worked with Here2There who conducted an independent evaluation on the Pioneer programme in Wales.

Pioneer Programme Evaluation


Fostering Wellbeing is one of a number of innovative programmes that The Fostering Network runs to improve foster care and outcomes for fostered young people.

For more information about Fostering Wellbeing email or ring 02920 440940.

For media enquiries email The Fostering Network’s media team or ring 020 7620 6441.


Maethu Lles

Mae Maethu Lles yn rhaglen arloesol, a ariannir gan Lywodraeth Cymru ac a gyflenwir gan Y Rhwydwaith Maethu.  Mae’r rhaglen yn cydnabod mai er mwyn gwella deilliannau i blant a phobl ifanc, bod gweithio amlasiantaethol drwy fframwaith partneriaeth ledled gwasanaethau cymdeithasol, iechyd ac addysg yn hanfodol.  Cynlluniwyd Maethu Lles yn benodol ar gyfer gweithwyr proffesiynol sy’n gweithio â phlant a phobl ifanc sy’n derbyn gofal.  


Beth yw Maethu Lles?

Daw Maethu Lles â’r holl weithwyr proffesiynol ynghyd sy’n gysylltiedig â chynorthwyo plant sy’n derbyn gofal, yn cynnwys gofalwyr maeth.  Mae’n hyrwyddo cydraddoldeb statws i bawb sy’n gysylltiedig â’r ‘tîm o amgylch y plentyn’.  Mae Maethu Lles yn annog gweithwyr proffesiynol i gydweithio, gan ganolbwyntio ar wella deilliannau lles i blant a phobl ifanc.  Mae’n creu iaith a rannir ar gyfer gweithwyr proffesiynol, gan ddod â phobl ynghyd a rhannu ymarfer gorau ledled ffiniau gwasanaethau, gyda’r nod o wreiddio ymagwedd a rannir.  
Amcanion Maethu Lles 

Nod Maethu Lles yw gwella deilliannau lles ac addysgol i blant sy’n cael profiad gofal yng Nghymru.  Fe’i cynlluniwyd gan weithwyr proffesiynol sy’n gweithio â phlant sy’n derbyn gofal.  Yn benodol, nod y rhaglen yw:

  • Nodi a rhannu’r gwerthoedd a’r egwyddorion craidd sy’n helpu plant a phobl ifanc sy’n derbyn gofal i ffynnu; 
  • Datblygu sgiliau a chymwyseddau yn gyffredin sy’n helpu i gyfarparu plant a phobl ifanc sy’n derbyn gofal i wireddu’u potensial;
  • Dod yn hyderus mewn ymagwedd ar y cyd a chyson tuag at ddiwallu anghenion plant a phobl ifanc sy’n derbyn gofal, fydd, yn ei dro, yn tanio uchelgais ac yn eu helpu i ganfod llwyddiant;
  • Bod yn eiriolwyr gweithgar dros y plant a’r bobl ifanc y mae ganddynt gyfrifoldeb drostynt, boed hynny’n unigol neu’n gorfforaethol.




Nod y rhaglen yw gwreiddio ymagwedd gyffredin ledled rhanbarthau Cymru drwy ddod â phobl ynghyd a rhannu arferion gorau ar draws ffiniau gwasanaethau.  Elfennau craidd y rhaglen yw:

Rhaglen Dosbarth Meistr:

Mae Maethu Lles yn cynnig 5 dosbarth meistr craidd, a gyflenwir ar-lein i garfanau o bob rôl yn y Tîm o amgylch y Plentyn.  Amcan pob dosbarth meistr yw galluogi gofalwyr maeth a gweithwyr proffesiynol eraill i ennill y sgiliau a’r hyder sydd eu hangen i helpu i ysbrydoli plant a phobl ifanc i wireddu’u potensial drwy ymagwedd ‘un tîm’. 

Arloeswyr Maethu Lles:

 Byddwn yn gweithio mewn partneriaeth â thimau lleol i recriwtio gofalwyr maeth fel ‘arloeswyr’.  Byddant yn ofalwyr maeth profiadol fydd, yn ychwanegol at y sgiliau a’r profiad a ddônt i’r rôl, yn derbyn hyfforddiant a chefnogaeth i’w helpu i raeadru dysg o fewn eu gwasanaeth.

Tystiolaeth ac Effaith:

Rydym wedi gweithio â CASCADE (Canolfan Ymchwil a Datblygu Gofal Cymdeithasol Plant) ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd, a gynhaliodd werthusiad annibynnol o Maethu Lles.

Gwerthuso Maethu Lles

Rydym wedi gweithio gyda Here2There a gynhaliodd werthusiad annibynnol o'r rhaglen Pioneer yng Nghymru

Gwerthuso Rhaglen Arloeswyr 2024


Mae Maethu Lles yn un o nifer o raglenni arloesol y mae’r Rhwydwaith Maethu’n ei chynnal i wella gofal maeth a chanlyniadau i bobl ifanc wedi’u maethu. 

I gael mwy o wybodaeth am Maethu Lles, anfonwch e-bost at neu ffoniwch 02920 440940.

Ar gyfer ymholiadau gan y cyfryngau, anfonwch e-bost at dîm cyfryngau’r Rhwydwaith Maethu neu ffoniwch 020 7620 6441.
