Fostering Attainment and Achievement

Fostering Attainment and Achievement is a unique programme in Northern Ireland that works to improve educational outcomes for looked after children in foster care. 

Fostering Attainment and Achievement is one of a range of innovative programmes that The Fostering Network runs to improve foster care and outcomes for fostered young people.

For more information about Fostering Attainment and Achievement telephone The Fostering Network in Northern Ireland on 028 9070 5056, email our Northern Ireland office.  

Join us for our Education and Learning Conference 2024 - Continuing the Journey

Wednesday 9 October 2024 9:30am-1:00pm

This year our annual conference will take place on-line. For more information please see attached flyer. To book your place click here

About Fostering Attainment and Achievement 

Improving the Educational Attainment and Achievement of Looked After Children in Foster Care in Northern Ireland (Fostering Attainment and Achievement) is delivered by The Fostering Network in Northern Ireland and commissioned by the Health and Social Care Board. 

Fostering Attainment and Achievement is an education support service for children and young people living in foster care and foster carers. Support can begin six months prior to starting primary school and can continue until age 18. 

The Fostering Attainment and Achievement service recognises the need to improve educational attainment of children and young people in foster care and the vital role foster carers play in education for the young people they look after. 

To access this service you must foster a young person in Northern Ireland. 

The service is split into three areas:

Support for foster carers

Fostering Attainment and Achievement project workers will work alongside foster carers to provide advice, support and resources to help them engage with the education system.

  • A helpline for all your educational queries and concerns.
  • One to one support on all education matters. This may include preparing for Looked After Children Reviews and Personal Education Plan meetings. Our staff can also support you at these meetings. 
  • Training, workshops and masterclasses focusing on education.
  • Education resources including a guide specifically for foster carers.

Support for young people

  • Summer programme including adventure schemes and residentials for teenagers and summer schemes for primary aged children.  
  • Letterbox Club membership to inspire a love of reading and numeracy through monthly resource parcels. 
  • Opportunities to explore further and higher education and training. This may include Pathways to University scheme or Pathways to Employment programme.
  • Access to the online Head Sprout scheme for children learning to read.
  • Wild about Learning. We have three events taking place, in the northern, south eastern and southern trust areas. To book a place on any of these events please email

Education resources for children and young people

The service also provides direct educational support and resources to fostered children and young people. This may include:

  • Tuition
  • Computers
  • Afterschool activities such as music or sport.
Referrals for the education resources part f the service can only be made by the child’s social worker or supervising social worker. This must be based on an assessment of need. All resources should be agreed as part of a personal education plan or looked after children’s review.  
For information on the Fostering Attainment and Achievement Service contact The Fostering Network in Northern Ireland.

Supporting Care Experienced Young People in Education e-learning resource

This interactive course is designed to support all those involved in the education of looked after children to reflect and develop their knowledge and practice on how to best support care experienced young people in schools.

You can access the e-learning resource here

The resource includes creative pieces of work by care experienced young people, quotes and composite stories.