
Ambassadors for fostering

Emma Newey has been the recruitment and engagement officer for the fostering team at Bury Council for eight years. In this blog Emma writes about their ambassador scheme and how it benefits the service, foster carers and children in foster care.

By Foster Care Fo… on May,13th 2020

It’s all child’s play

I get back from Calais absurdly happy to see my family and determined to see this fostering thing through to its conclusion, to its beginning.
By Lucy Stevens on February,3rd 2016

The wonder years

The assessment is underway and we’re starting from the beginning, or as the form F calls it, the Early Years. Our assessor has sent us a list of questions as homework in preparation for her next visit this weekend.
By Lucy Stevens on January,5th 2016

An assessor calls…

It’s Saturday morning and the house is now (reasonably) tidy. This is unusual for any day of the week but particularly for a Saturday. Today, however, is no ordinary Saturday – today is the day our assessor is coming.
By Lucy Stevens on December,10th 2015

Home sweet home

Last week I went on a home visit to a lady who had enquired about fostering through our agency. She’d been on our website, liked what she’d seen and dropped us an email. I’d been the one to call her and answer her questions. I’d been the one to book in a suitable time to visit her at home to talk in more depth. And, along with my colleague, I’d been the one to go to her lovely home. For an hour and a half we chatted and she asked us lots of questions, which we answered honestly. We gave her a realistic picture of what she might expect from fostering. We also asked her lots of questions about her family, their experiences and motivations. We’re not sure if she’ll apply to foster with us but we left her with an application form and lots to think about.
By Lucy Stevens on November,5th 2015

Attracting and Keeping Carers - October 2015

The fallout from the media storm on the plight of Syrian refugees continues to resonate. Over 9,000 members of the public pledged their support to helping a refugee or family.
By James Foyle on October,21st 2015