Me, my mum, dad and brother Tris have fostered for lots of years. We’ve had lots and lots of children come and go - some staying all their lives and some just for a while. But of all the children that have come Lewis was my favourite. He was a very Special Brother. He had loads of special needs. He couldn’t walk talk or see but he could laugh for England. I am very proud of my brother he was the BRAVEST, he had lots of pain but still laughed.
The Fostering Network’s Sons & Daughters campaign coordinator Catherine Holland has been speaking to Gemma from Stockton Borough Council about their participation in last year’s campaign.
Our blogging competition officially closed for entries last night; this year we've had more blogs than we've ever had! Our judges are reading them all and will have a really tough job picking the three winners, which we'll announce on Monday 4th November.
We'd like to thank everybody who entered a blog; we had great fun reading them all and hope you all did too.
Here are a bumper crop of blogs for you to enjoy!